After reading this, I realize that somewhat unconsciously and intuitively I set a ONE BIG THING for 2024 when I started substack. I've been writing blog posts inconsistently for over 20 years. This year, with substack, I committed to a weekly post, the same day of the week, every week. I find myself writing at the same time of day, early to mid morning, and revising in little "bits" over time.

I appreciate you for somehow, magically, showing me what I am doing by tracking my efficiency times and my writing practices. Your story mirrored my experience and gave it words. 🙏

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How cool is that, Terri! Thank you for sharing your experience with this here! And congratulations on your weekly post practice.

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Cathy, I find this idea of "the bits" intriguing and constraining the time you allocate for these stuff. I've been futzing with my schedule to find the "best" schedule that fits my rhythm and cycles. I might give this a try! Thank you.

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You are welcome, Lou. Bits are funny, they can swirl and create a lot of stress. For me, calling them bits, writing them down so they stop swirling, and treating them as optional seems to cut them down to size. I found these cute little notepads in a book store a few years ago. They have three categories that I use to put the bits into perspective - Most Critical (I cap this at 3), Would Be Nice, Not A Chance. I love having a "not a chance" list. It helps me keep things real. Let me know how it goes.

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I have too many on the "Would be nice" list! And really, some of them are probably really in Not a Chance! 😂

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