This was a pleasure to read, thank you.

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Thank you, Jonathan!

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Thanks so much, Lou! I'm glad it resonated.

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I loved reading this Cathy! I've not thought of our comfort zones the you described, but as soon as I read your words, of course, it's exactly that! It does shrink around us, like a comfort blanket. And before we know, that's our world. I'm currently putting together my next "round-up" edition, and this one will definitely be in there! Cheers!

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Thank you!

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Cathy, this is so true, our comfort zone is totally elastic - it shrinks and expands depending on life situations we put ourselves into. And you've illustrated it so beautifully with your story, love it.

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Thank you!

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“The tricky thing about comfort zones is, if you stay inside them for too long, they shrink.“

This was so interesting, Cathy! And I love that you show the shrinking AFTER the expansion. That your comfort zone doesn’t just automatically expand indefinitely over time.

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Thanks Cathy for a delightful and inspiring (yes) story. I tend to take on adventures without thinking and when I get going, I begin to wonder - what did I get myself into? Please read some of my posts if you can.

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Thank you, Jenn. I will!

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Anais Nin nailed it. I laughed so hard while reading this story and I can totally relate. One minute I'm as brave as all get-out (traveled to Russia years ago, on my own), but do you think I can ease myself into a freakin' indoor pool? I dread the thoughts of plunging my shoulders into the coolish water. I was so excited to find a one-piece bathing suit with long sleeves and a collar. Problem solved. Geez Louise! Great article, Cathy!

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Thanks, Gina. One piece bathing suit with sleeves, ya do what ya gotta do.😊

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This is such a great story, Cathy. It’s so true that comfort zones shrink when you stay in them. What a terrific reminder. And I love that last line!

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Thanks, Holly. Glad you liked it!

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OMG I loved this so much and literally laughed out loud several times. Congrats on the wonderful article (and also of course for getting into the cab). Very insightful and comforting in lots of ways.

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LOL! I am delighted that you found it funny. The intention was to comfort, encourage, and give you a belly laugh. Sounds like it hit the mark with you. Thanks for commenting.

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Loved this! After the pandemic and then a significant health bump, my comfort zone shrunk considerably. This article resonated deeply with me and helped me to consider why things that used to come easily to me feel way more energy draining these days. Thanks!

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Thank you, Sandy! So great to see you pop up here!

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