Here's another little hit of dopamine for you! Thank you for sharing these insights. Very useful as I awaken and build a life of passion and purpose out of the ashes and rubble of my earlier life.

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Hi Paige. Thank you for the hit! So delighted to find you here and love that you found this useful. I have to confess, I was intrigued by "The Magic of Horsecraft" so checked out your About Page. Compelling. Can't wait to read more. Thanks for stopping by here.

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I concur on being present and not being a slave to your mind.

Practicing mindfulness and meditation has helped immensely with observing the here and now instead of experiencing the scattered thoughts of past and developing a counterfactual future.

Being present allows us to pay attention to what is important, to navigate the mind, and take the steps necessary to achieve the future that we want to create.

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Thanks, Peter. Well said. I love the expression "counterfactual future." I think this has got to be a major source of my own propensity to worry;-)

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Good points, Cathy. I would like to add one other benefit: paying closer attention can lead to increased productivity. This is based on my observation (such as in meetings, or reading an email) whereby people have listened but not registered what was said. They then ask questions about everything that was just covered, so the whole thing is repeated.

Even in coffee shops, I've ordered a "large, black coffee to take out," then been asked, "medium or large?" "for here or to go?" and "milk or cream?".

I'm guilty of this too, so I will be making more effort to pay attention to what's in front of me. TY.

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So the new twist here, that I love, is how being able to manage your attention, not only improves your productivity but improves the productivity of everybody around you. Thanks, Gina.

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