Hi Cathy, I've been through 2 burnouts, have been an exec and worked with high performers for decades. I confirm every point you've made.

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Hi Lexie. Thank you for reading this and for stopping by at The Slow Sip. I see our interests are aligned. I'm looking forward to diving a little deeper into Habit Owner.

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Thank you! Looking forward to reading more from you, and wishing success with your publication!

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Love this Cathy! So glad I discovered you on the Substack Writers thread!

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Likewise, Amy. Thank you for checking out my work.!

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Excellent and insightful article, Cathy. I have to admit, Myth #2 and #3 plagued me for many years. I wasted a lot of time and energy thinking I could address those two points by working harder and better. It didn't occur to me that I was already working too hard and expecting too much of myself. I finally got a handle on it, decades later. I guess, better late than never!

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Beautiful piece Cathy. It always amazes me how similiar my path feels to your path. I especially resonate with the healing phase of your journey. I have been in this place for a few years now - after too many years working long days most days.

I am now in a redesign phase. What do I want my whole life to look like and how does work fit into my whole life? I do have to make choices. I'm choosing a whole and full life vs. a commitment to prioritizing work in my life. This takes courage in the American culture! I am constantly reminding myself not to compare myself to others who have chosen to prioritize work.

It's really me against me and I am lucky enough to get to design my life in a way that fills me up. My life and what I choose to pay attention to may look different than how others choose to design their lives but I feel so much better living my life than trying to live the lives of others! It is a constant challenges and requires my conscious attention at all times.

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Mar 24Liked by Cathy Jacob

Yes, this, all the way!

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I love this, Kris and I am thrilled to hear about your redesign phase and what it is bringing to your life. I am coming to the realization that for me this process never has an end state. I find that my work and my relationship to it need an ongoing conversation and when I stay in that conversation, my work is no longer this separate, foreign thing that keeps me from my life, but something that adds dimension, meaning and joy to it.

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Thanks, Cathy. For me, this was an impressive and impactful piece. And I love the poem by Ras. Thank you!

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Thank you, Jeffrey. I am delighted to hear that this resonated.

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