Definitely in! Might even start practicing sloth at work🤣

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Love this idea, Cindy!

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Cathy, this post brought a smile to my face over and over. What a perfect pleasurable tone to match this pretty awesome suggestion. I can relate to it taking something catastrophic to make you feel OK about slothing. May we practice it more often without that!

Also, I love sloths. I once planned, but did not quite execute a children’s book with the main character as a sloth.

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Thank you, Holly. I love how you made sloth a verb there. Thinking about the verb, to sloth, makes me chuckle. Also I love the children's book idea. I hope you do it some day. I just learned that they poop a third of their body weight in a single go. Having six and eight year old grandchildren in my life, I know that tidbit alone would be fascinating to them.

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Holy smokes, that’s a whole lot of poop. Now if I could just work that fact into a rewrite of my Tao of Poo piece, she thinks while stroking her nonexistent mustache.

Ha! I’ve learned soooo many fascinating animal facts from a now 11-year-old nephew who does not go light on his researching whatever his new interest is.

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I’m all in! I have highly developed sloth skills (endless hours reading Regency Romances and watching TV) and have now retired so have copious time to pursue these activities. Also highly motivated to leave dishes in the sink and laundry undone. However, I need work on the guilt-free aspect of sloth!

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LOL. Perfect. I love that you are "highly motivated to leave dishes in the sink." It's a gift!

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I'm all in! I fancy myself a bit of a sloth aficionado, having spent much of the past month honing my skills due to an injury. My preferred "inactivity" is to lounge in my lazyboy chair with my diamond painting tray on my lap and any Britbox cop show on the telly. I highly recommend this. 😉

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YOU ARE a sloth aficionado. A woman after my own heart! A true sloth jedi! Brilliant! I bow to your superior skills!

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I am definitely in. My "commitment" to become a bonafide sloth is to sit by a lake and gaze out on the water - preferably at sunrise or sunset.

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That sounds amazing, Jenn! Enjoy!

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I’m in. The fine art of being vs doing. My commitment is to grab a book and sit by the lake for more than 15 minutes at a time a couple times a week.

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Sounds lovely, Karn. Send me a pic.

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I’m in!

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Welcome aboard, Heidi! You deserve some quality sloth in your life.

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